



József Nagyさんのチュートリアル

József Nagy
Hello everyone! Thisss is József Nagy here and welcome to my YouTube channel. OpenFOAM is the main focus of my tutorial videos. You will find videos on tutor...



How to open OpenFOAM® results in ParaView


Rotating mesh simulation project tutorial in OpenFOAM (mesh and simulation)

Windows 10でのインストール方法のチュートリアルなど

How to install OpenFOAM and run a simulation in Windows 10 – tutorial


Wanan Sheng博士(教授)他のトピックに関するビデオトーク:

FacebookGroupで紹介されていた チャンネル名「Wanan Sheng」のチャンネル。字幕が付いています。これ。。字幕を日本語訳することができそうです。


YouTube で公開されている動画では字幕表示が可能な動画あります。ここでは YouTube で動画に字幕を表示する方法、そして字幕を任意の言語に自動翻訳して表示する方法について解説します。

この方は、European Journal of Mechanics- B / Fluidsが発行した論文は、Navier-Stokes方程式の正しさに関するものであり、200年近くの概念である流体のコーシー対称応力テンソルに挑戦し、Navier-Stokes方程式を導き出すことができる新しい定式化を提案しているそうです。


1.1 History of fluid mechanics 流体力学の歴史
1) All about Fluids: A Brief History of Fluid Mechanics/Dynamics: 流体力学の歴史

All about Fluids: A brief history of fluid dynamics

2) Turbulence modelling, a brief history, Part I, pre-computer age 乱流モデル コンピュータ以前

Turbulence Modelling, a brief history, Part I: Pre-computer age

3) Turbulence modelling, a brief history, Part II, Computer age 乱流モデル コンピュータ時代

Turbulence Modelling, a brief history, Part II: Computer Age

1.2 Examples and applications 適用事例
1) All about Fluids: Atmospheric and water pressure- A simple application of N-S equation: ナビエストークス方程式のシンプルな適用例 空気と水の圧力

All about Fluids: Atmospheric and water pressures – A simple application of N S equation

2) All about Fluids: Why planes fly at high altitudes?

All about Fluids: Why airplanes fly at high altitudes?

1.3 Fundamentals and theorems
1) All about Fluids: Reynolds Transport Theorem

All About Fluids – Reynolds Transport Theorem

2) Fluid element Method vs Reynolds Transport Theorem in deriving N-S equation

Fluid Element Method vs Reynolds Transport Theorem for deriving N-S equation

2.1 Euler equation
1) All about Fluids: Euler equation

All about Fluids: Euler equation

2.2 Navier-Stokes equation
1) All about Fluids: Navier-Stokes equation

All about Fluids: Navier-Stokes equation

2.3 Correctness of Navier-Stokes equation
1) All about Fluids: Is Navier-Stokes equation correct, Part 1: Inconsistencies

Is Navier-Stokes equation correct? Part1, Inconsistencies

2) All about Fluids: Is Navier-Stokes equation correct, Part 2: Solution

Is Navier Stokes equation correct? Part 2, Solution

3) All about Fluids: Is Navier-Stokes equation correct? (Version 1)

All about Fluids: is Navier-Stokes equation correct?

3.1 Fundamentals of potential flow theory
1) All about Fluids: Potential flows-Theory

All about Fluids: Potential Flows- Theory

2) All about Fluids: Potential flows-Applications

All about Fluids: Potential flows- Applications

3) All about Fluids: Can a viscous fluid form a potential flow? Theory

All about Fluids: Can a viscous fluid cause a potential flow? Theory

4) All about Fluids: Can a viscous fluid form a potential flow? Applications

All about Fluids: Can a viscous fluid form a potential flow? Applications

3.2 Boundary element method
1) All about Fluids: Boundary Element Method-Principle

All about Fluids: Boundary Element Method- Principle

2) All about Fluids: Boundary Element Method-Principle (Correction)

Boundary Element Method- Principle (Correction)

3) All about Fluids: Boundary Element Method-Wave-Structure Interactions, Part 1: Fundamentals

Boundary Element Method- Wave Structure Interaction, Part 1: Fundamentals

4) All about Fluids: Boundary Element Method-Wave-Structure Interactions, Part 2: Diffraction and radiation potentials

Boundary Element Method- Wave Structure Interaction, Part 2: Diffraction and Radiation Potentials

5) All about Fluids: Boundary Element Method-Wave-Structure Interactions, Part 3: Hydrodynamic forces

Boundary Element Method, Wave-Structure Interaction, Part 3: Hydrodynamic Forces

6) All about Fluids: Boundary Element Method-Wave-Structure Interactions, Part 4: Dynamics and motions

Boundary Element Method for Wave Structure Interaction, Part 4: Dynamics and motions

3.3 Wave theory
1) All about Fluids: Linear wave theory

All about Fluids: Linear wave theory

2) All about Fluids: Wave characteristics

All about Fluids: Wave characteristics

4.1 Dimensional analysis
1) All about Fluids: Dimensional Analysis –Principle

All about Fluids: Dimensional analysis- Principle

2) All about Fluids: Dimensional Analysis –Examples

All about Fluids: Dimensional analysis – Examples

5.1 Boundary layer theory
1) All about Fluids: Boundary layer theory, Laminar boundary layer, Part 1: a flow past a flat plate,

Boundary Layer Theory, Laminar Boundary Layer, Part 1

2) All about Fluids: Boundary layer theory, Laminar boundary layer, Part 2: a flow past a 2D surface,

Boundary Layer Theory, Laminar Boundary Layer, Part 2

3) Boundary layer theory: turbulent boundary layer Theorem in deriving N-S equation:

Boundary layer theory, Turbulent Boundary Layer

5.2 Turbulence modelling
1) Turbulence modelling, a brief history, Part I, pre-computer age:

Turbulence Modelling, a brief history, Part I: Pre-computer age

2) Turbulence modelling, a brief history, Part II, Computer age

Turbulence Modelling, a brief history, Part II: Computer Age


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