【Recipe】Country-style French bread Recipe & Japanese SAKE and Brown Sugar Bread 【Sourdough】

Country-style Baguette

This is my recipe of the country-style sourdough bread. The naming of the bread is depending to the shape of bread, the thin rod style is called Baguette, the ball style is called Campagne. however, my dough recipe is almost same.

The baked bread is like this photo.

Le vain Ingredients:

Le vain is the home made yeast, the mother of the bread.

30 g Whole grain flour, 30 g water and one knob of salt are mixed in the bottle. one or two days after, put the 30 g all purpose flour and 30 g water additionally, Do this trivial repetition several times.

In my case, I always use the Le vain and add the flour and water in my baking bread, Therefore, my first Le vain was made 6 or 7 month ago.

The flavor becomes banana.

Dough  Ingredients:

I use the French-Style Flour, called Lisdor in Japan.

Baker’s percent  is,

  • French-Style Flour 100 %
  • Salt 2 %
  • Sugar 8-10%
  • Water 70 %
  • Le vain 10-20 %

That’s all.  The Hydrolysis rate is around 80 – 90 %, it is slightly difficult for beginner, please decrease the water ratio, for example 50% or 60 %.

Put them all in the bowl and mix all and knead softly.  stay 30 minutes, and knead softly, and cover something like vinyls, put in to the refrigerator one night, around 6 to 12 hours.


Tetsuya Tominagaさん(@tetsuyatominaga)がシェアした投稿 –

Shaping and Baking

Cut 200 -300 g in each, mold it, let it secondarily ferment for 20 – 30 min, then bake it with a coup.

The oven’s temperature is very effective, the temperature is 250-300 Celsius degree.


Sake yeast Brown sugar bread

Sake yeast Ingredients:

Sake yeast is the very suitable to Japanese climate. And I made the sake yeast from SAKE-KASU like below,

There are many varieties of SAKE-KASU, I recommend the GINJO type, the flavor is so good and many SAKE-KASU make the dough soften, but the GINJO and DAIGINJO type the effect is slight.

Put the SAKE-KASU 50 g and water 50 g and 10 g Sugar in one bottle.

Keep it one or two days, the yeast becomes the foams.

The Sake yeast is very easy to make and bake the bread. I think the yeast is best for Japanese climate.

Dough  Ingredients:

The gluten-rich flour is suite for this type bread, it becomes soft and Japanese style bread.

Japanese domestic flour is the best for this type bread. for example,

The brown sugar, I recommend the HATERUMA-KOKUTOU from OKINAWA.

Powder type is easy to use.

Baker’s percent  is,

  • Gluten-rich flour 100 %
  • Salt 2 %
  • Brown Sugar 15 %
  • Water 50 %
  • Sake-yeast 10%

That’s all, Put them all in the bowl and mix all and knead hardly.  stay 30 minutes, and knead hardly, and cover something like vinyls, put in to the refrigerator one night, around 6 to 12 hours. or keep it normal temperature 1 or 2 hour, the basement of fermentation will be completed.

Shaping and Baking

Cut 30-50 g in each, mold it, let it secondarily ferment for 20 – 30 min, then bake it with or without a coup.

Because it contains a lot of sugar, it is easy to burn, so lower the temperature is suite to bake this type bread. The oven’s temperature is 180-220 Celsius degree.

It is a bread like a ball in the right corner of this picture.


The natural bread is made of simple materials, So the salt is very important material for the taste, please select your choice, I think the familiar one is the best.

Mineral is the key point of the taste!

Olive oil

If you put some oil, I recommend this Zajari organic olive oil. It so smooth. In summer season, the ferment speed is so rapid, I sometimes reduce the water and put the oil to reduce the ferment speed.

Please enjoy the sourdough, natural fermentation, and enjoy baking bread.

投稿者 tom2rd


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