
電磁界シミュレーションシリーズ NEC2編 まとめ

NEC2を使う場合に、すぐ忘れる NECファイルの意味を4NEC2についているショートリファレンスを元に、忘備録として少し解説を書いておきます。


マニュアル自体の日本語Google翻訳版 英語PDF版





その2プログラム編 給電・負荷・伝送線路・周波数

【電磁界シミュレーション】NEC2カードのショートリファレンス(プログラム編 給電・負荷・伝送線路・周波数)【NEC2】

その3プログラム編 放射パターン

【電磁界シミュレーション】NEC2カードのショートリファレンス(プログラム編 RP Radiation pattern)【NEC2】

その4プログラム編 近傍界

【電磁界シミュレーション】NEC2カードのショートリファレンス(プログラム編 Near Field)【NEC2】

応用編 複雑な散乱 CADファイルから物体作成

【電磁界シミュレータ】STLファイルをNEC2形式に変換してモーメント法シミュレーション Scattering【nec2c】

中級編 二つのアンテナ間の伝搬ロスを計算する


超入門 4NEC2 と PyNEC

【電磁界シミュレータ】Windowsで使えるGUI付の4NEC2と、Pythonから使えるPyNEC【Google Colab】


このHPでの「NEC2」 検索結果

シミュレーション 検索結果




‘ 必要に応じてアポストロフィを使用してコメント行を入力します


GE(ジオメトリの終了、構造入力の終了)。 グランドタイプの追加入力が可能です)





マニュアル自体の日本語Google翻訳版 英語PDF版


+複数のパッチ面 (SM)

+ NGFファイルの書き込み(WG)

旧NEC2 エディタのデータフォーマット

! Syntax: <Mnemonic>:<Card_type>:<Column_name>,..,<column_name>

‘ ::4nec2 comment
:Comment end, Comment
CM::Comment line, Comment
:Maximum coupling calc., tag1, seg1, tag-2, seg2
EK::Extended thin wire kernel
:End of input file
EX: :Structure excitation, Type
EX:0:Voltage-source (PEAK values!), Type, Tag, Segm, Option, V (real), V (imag)
EX:1:Incedent wave (linear), Type, Theta, Phi, Option, The ^K, Phi ^K, Eta, incr-The, incr-Phi, Ratio
EX:2:Inced-wave (circ/right), Type, Theta, Phi, Option, The ^K, Phi ^K, Eta, incr-The, incr-Phi, Ratio
EX:3:Inced-wave (circ/left), Type, Theta, Phi, Option, The ^K, Phi ^K, Eta, incr-The, incr-Phi, Ratio
EX:4:I-src (field illumination) , Type, -, -, Option, X (mtr), Y (mtr), Z (mtr), Alpha, Beta, C-moment
EX:5:V-src (current-slope disc), Type, Tag-nr, Seg-nr, Option, V (real), V (imag)
EX:6:Current-source (PEAK values!, 4nec2 specific), Type, Tag, Segm, – , I (real), I (imag)
FR: :Frequency specification, Type
FR:0:Frequency (linear step), Type, Steps, -, -, Start, Stepsize
FR:1:Frequency (logarithmic step), Type, Steps, -, -, Start, Stepsize
GA::Wire arc, Tag, segs, Arc-rad, angle-1, angle-2, wire-rad
:Wire radius tapering, -, -, ratio, rad-first, rad-last
GD::Additonal ground specification, -, -, -, -, Diel-const, Conduct, Distance, Height,
GE: :Geometry end, Type
GE:-1:Geometry end (ground plane; current = 0), Type
GE:0:Geometry end (no groundplane), Type
GE:1:Geometry end (ground plane; current expansion), Type
GF: :Read NGF file, Type, [file]
GF:0:Read NGF file (no coords), default, [file]
GF:1:Read NGF file (print coords), coords., [file]
:Wire helix/spiral, Tag, segs, spacing, length, rad-X0, rad-Y0, rad-Xl, rad-Yl,Wir-rad
GN: :Ground specification, Type
GN:-1:Free space, Type
GN:0:Finite/Fast gnd, Type, nr-wires, -, -, Diel-const, Conduct, Scr-rad, Wire-rad
GN:1:Perfect ground, Type
GN:2:Real/SomNec gnd, Type, -, -, -, Diel-const, Conduct
GN:3:MiniNec gound (4nec2 specific), Type, -, -, -, Diel-const, Conduct
GM::Coordinate transform, Incr, Nr-str, rotat-X, rotat-Y, rotat-Z, trans-X, trans-Y, trans-Z, start-tag
:Cylindrical wire structure, Incr, Nr-str
GS::Scale structure, -, -, Factor
:Wire geometry, Tag, segs, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, wire-rad
GX::Reflection in coordinate planes, Incr, XYZ
:Interaction appr. range, -, -, -, -, distance
LD: :Impedance loading, Type
LD:0:Series RLC, Type, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, Res (ohm), Ind (H), Cap (F)
LD:1:Parallel RLC, Type, tag-nr, first-S, Last-S, Res (ohm), Ind (H), Cap (F)
LD:2:Series impedance, Type, tag-nr, first-S, Last-S, ohm/m, Henry/m, Farad/m
LD:3:Parallel impedance, Type, tag-nr, first-S, Last-S, ohm/m, Henry/m, Farad/m
LD:4:Impedance, Type, tag, first-S, last-S, R(ohm), X(ohm)
LD:5:Wire conductivity, Type, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, G (mho/m)
LD:6:LC-Trap, Type, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, Q-coil, Ind (H), Cap (F), [fr]
LD:7:Wire-coating, Type, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, Diel-const, Radius
NE: :Near electric field, Type
NE:0:Near elec-field (rectang), Type, nr-X, nr-Y, nr-Z, first X, first Y, first Z, X-step, Y-step, Z-step
NE:1:Near elec-field (spheric), Type, nr-R, nr-Phi, nr-The, first R, first Phi, first THe, R-step, The-step, Phi-step
NH: :Near magnetic field, Type
NH:0:Near magn-field (rectang), Type, nr-X, nr-Y, nr-Z, first X, first Y, first Z, X-step, Y-step, Z-step
NH:1:Near magn-field (spheric), Type, nr-R, nr-Phi, nr-The, first R, first Phi, first THe, R-step, The-step, Phi-step
NT::Two port network, tag1, seg1, tag2, seg2, Y11(r), Y11(i), Y12(r), Y12(i), Y22(r), Y22(i)
:Next structure
PT: :Print Currents ?, Type
PT:-1:No current, Type
PT:-2:All currents, Type
PT:0:Print current, Type, Tag, first, last
PT:1:Recieving pattern, Type, Tag, first, last
PQ: :Print charges density ?, Type
PQ:-1:No charge densitys, Type
PQ:0:Print charge densitys, Type, Tag, first, last
RP: :Far-field pattern, Type
RP:0:Far-field pattern (default), Type, T-cnt, P-cnt, Option, The-start, Phi-start, The-step, Phi-step, FF-dist, N-gain
RP:1:Far-field and surface wave, Type, Hg-cnt, P-cnt, Option, Hg-start, Phi-start, Hg-step, Phi-step, FF-dist, N-gain
RP:2:Far-field (linear cliff), Type, T-cnt, P-cnt, Option, The-start, Phi-start, The-step, Phi-step, FF-dist, N-gain
RP:3:Far-field (circular cliff), Type, T-cnt, P-cnt, Option, The-start, Phi-start, The-step, Phi-step, FF-dist, N-gain
RP:4:Far-field (ground screen), Type, T-cnt, P-cnt, Option, The-start, Phi-sta, The-step, Phi-step, FF-dist, N-gain
RP:5:Far-field (screen+linear-cliff), Type, T-cnt, P-cnt, Option, The-start, Phi-start, The-step, Phi-step, FF-dist, N-gain
RP:6:Far-field (screen+circular-cliff), Type, T-cnt, P-cnt, Option, The-start, Phi-start, The-step, Phi-step, FF-dist, N-gain
SC::Surface patch continuation, -, Shape, X3, Y3, Z3, (X4), (Y4), (Z4)
:Multiple surface patch, nr-X, nr-Y, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2
SP::Surface patch, -, Shape, X1/cent-X, Y1/cent-Y, Z1/cent-Z, X2/elev, Y2/azim, Z2/area
:4nec2 Symbol definition, Symbols
TL::Transmission line, tag1, seg1, tag2, seg2, char-imp, length, G1, Y1, G2, Y2
:Write NGF file, [file]
XQ:*:Execute input file

 4NEC2 エディタのデータフォーマット

! Syntax: <Mnemonic>:<Card_type>:<Column_name>,..,<column_name>

‘ ::4nec2 comment
:Comment end, Comment
CM::Comment line, Comment
:Maximum coupling calc., tag1, seg1, tag2, seg2
CW::Catenary wire, Tag, segs, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, wire-rad, type, dist, (dZ)
:End of input file
EX: :Structure excitation, Type
EX:0:Voltage-source (PEAK values!), Type, tag, segm, option, V (real), V (imag), norm-fact
EX:1:Plane wave (linear), Type, Theta, Phi, option, The ^K, Phi ^K, Eta, incr-The, incr-Phi, ratio, E-fld
EX:2:Plane wave (circ/right), Type, theta, phi, option, the ^K, phi ^K, eta, incr-The, incr-Phi, ratio. E-fld
EX:3:Plane wave (circ/left), Type, theta, phi, option, the ^K, phi ^K, eta, incr-The, incr-Phi, ratio, E-fld
EX:4:I-src (field illumination) , Type, -, -, option, X (mtr), Y (mtr), Z (mtr), alpha, beta, C-moment
EX:5:V-src (bicone source), Type, tag-nr, seg-nr, Option, V (real), V (imag), norm-fact
EX:6:Current-source (PEAK values!, 4nec2 specific), Type, tag-nr, seg-nr, – , I (real), I (imag), norm-fact
FR: :Frequency specification, Type
FR:0:Frequency (linear step), Type, steps, -, -, start, step
FR:1:Frequency (logarithmic step), Type, Steps, -, -, start, step
GA::Wire arc, Tag, segs, arc-rad, angle-1, angle-2, W-rad
:Tapered wire, flag, -, ratio, rad-first, rad-last, len-first, len-last
GD: :Additonal ground specification, Type
GD:1:Ground (linear boundary), Type, diel-C, donduct, dist-X, height
GD:2:Ground (circular boundary), Type, diel-C, donduct, distance, height
GE: :Geometry end, Type, check
GE:-1:Geometry end (ground plane; current = 0), Type, check
GE:0:Geometry end (no groundplane), Type, check
GE:1:Geometry end (ground plane; current expansion), Type, check
GF: :Read NGF file, Type, [file]
GF:0:Read NGF file (no coords), default, [file]
GF:1:Read NGF file (with end coords), coords., [file]
GH::Wire helix/spiral, Tag, turns, len-Z, rad-start, rad-end, Wrad-start, Wrad-end, type
GN: :Ground specification, Type
GN:-1:Free space, Type
GN:0:Finite/Fast gnd, Type, Nr-wires, -, -, Diel-C, Conduct, rad-scr, rad-wire
GN:1:Perfect ground, Type
GN:2:Real/SomNec gnd, Type, -, -, -, Diel-C, Conduct, Diel-2, Cond-2, Dist-X, Height, (file)
GN:3:MiniNec ground (4nec2 specific), Type, -, -, -, Diel-C, Conduct
:Coordinate transform, Incr, Nr-str, rot-X, rot-Y, rot-Z, move-X, move-Y, move-Z, tag1, seg1, tag2, seg2
GR::Cylindrical wire structure, Incr, Nr-str
:Scale structure, -, -, Factor
GW::Wire geometry, Tag, segs, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, wire-rad
:Reflection in coordinate planes, Incr, XYZ
IS: :Insulated wire, Option
IS:0:Insulated wire (Set), Option, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, diel-C, conduct., radius
IS:-1:Insulated wire (Clear), Option, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, diel-C, conduct., radius
JN: :Junction charge distrib, Option
JN:0:Charge distrib -> Log(ka), Option
JN:-1:Charge distrib -> MOM, Option
LD: :Impedance loading, Type
LD:0:Series RLC, Type, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, Res (ohm), Ind (H), Cap (F)
LD:1:Parallel RLC, Type, tag-nr, first-S, Last-S, Res (ohm), Ind (H), Cap (F)
LD:2:Series impedance, Type, tag-nr, first-S, Last-S, ohm/m, Henry/m, Farad/m
LD:3:Parallel impedance, Type, tag-nr, first-S, Last-S, ohm/m, Henry/m, Farad/m
LD:4:Impedance, Type, tag, first-S, last-S, R(ohm), X(ohm)
LD:5:Wire conductivity, Type, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, G (mho/m), permeab.
LD:6:LC-Trap, Type, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, Q-coil, Ind (H), Cap (F), [fr]
LD:7:Wire-coating, Type, tag-nr, first-S, last-S, Diel-const, Radius
LE: :E-field along line, Option
LE:0:E-fld along line (default, Option, nr-pts, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2
LE:-1:E-fld along line (reset Integral), Option, nr-pts, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2
LH: :H-field along line, Option
LH:0:H-fld along line (default, Option, nr-pts, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2
LH:-1:H-fld along line (reset Integral), Option, nr-pts, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2
NE: :Near electric field, Type
NE:0:Near elec-field (rectang), Type, nr-X, nr-Y, nr-Z, first X, first Y, first Z, X-step, Y-step, Z-step
NE:1:Near elec-field (spheric), Type, nr-R, nr-Phi, nr-The, first R, first Phi, first THe, R-step, The-step, Phi-step
NH: :Near magnetic field, Type
NH:0:Near magn-field (rectang), Type, nr-X, nr-Y, nr-Z, first X, first Y, first Z, X-step, Y-step, Z-step
NH:1:Near magn-field (spheric), Type, nr-R, nr-Phi, nr-The, first R, first Phi, first THe, R-step, The-step, Phi-step
NT::Two port network, tag1, seg1, tag2, seg2, Y11 (r), Y11 (i), Y12 (r), Y12 (i), Y22(r), Y22(i)
:Next structure
PT: :Print Currents, Type
PT:-2:All currents, Type
PT:-1:No currents, Type
PT:0:Print segment current, Type, Tag, first, last
PT:1:Recieving pattern, Type, Tag, first, last
PT:2:Recieving pattern normalized, Type, Tag, first, last
PT:3:Recieving pattern one segment, Type, Tag, first, last
PQ: :Print charge densitys, Type
PQ:-1:No charge densitys, Type
PQ:0:Print charge densitys, Type, Tag, first, last
PS::Print electical lengths
RP: :Far-field pattern, Type
RP:0:Far-field pattern (default), Type, The-cnt, Phi-cnt, XNDA, The-start, Phi-start, The-step, Phi-step, R-dist, G-norm
RP:1:Far-field plus surf-wave, Type, Hg-cnt, Phi-cnt, XNDA, Hg-start, Phi-start, Hg-step, Phi-step, R-dist, G-norm
:Surface patch continuation, -, Shape, X3, Y3, Z3, (X4), (Y4), (Z4)
SM::Multiple surface patch, nr-X, nr-Y, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2
:Surface patch, -, Shape, X1/cent-X, Y1/cent-Y, Z1/cent-Z, X2/elev, Y2/azim, Z2/area
SY::4nec2 Symbol definition, Symbols
:Transmission line, tag1, seg1, tag2, seg2, char-imp, length, G1, Y1, G2, Y2
UM::Upper medium params, -, -, -, -, diel-C, conduc.
VC: :V-source end caps, option
VC:0:V-source end caps (set), option
VC:-1:V-source end caps (reset), option
:Write NGF file, [file]
XQ:*:Execute input file

4NEC2 エディタのヘルプとデータフォーマット

! Syntax: <NEC_card>, <grid_col_nr(s)> = <help_text>

SY,1=Symbol/Variable with value or equation
SY,2=Optional comment on symbol/variable

GW,1=Default straight line wire-element
GW,2=Zero (0) or Tag-number assigned to all segments of the wire (>9800 dont show, >9900 4nec2 specific)
GW,3=Number of segments into which the wire will be divided
GW,4=End-1: X coordinate
GW,5=End-1: Y coordinate
GW,6=End-1: Z coordinate
GW,7=End-2: X coordinate
GW,8=End-2: Y coordinate
GW,9=End-2: Z coordinate
GW,10=Wire/element radius (diameter/2) & Ratio of length of a segment to the length of previous segment
GW,11=Wire radius (diameter/2) for first segment
GW,12=Wire radius (diameter/2} for last segment

GH,1=Helical shaped wire-element
GH,2=Zero (0) or tagnumber to identify helix
GH,3=Number of segments for the helix
GH,4=Spacing between turns
GH,5=Total length of Helix
GH,6=Radius in X at end-1
GH,7=Radius in Y at end-1
GH,8=Radius in X at end-2
GH,9=Radius in Y at end-2
GH,10=Wire radius (diameter/2)

GA,1=Arc shaped wire-element
GA,2=Zero (0) or Tag-nr assigned to all segments of the wire arc
GA,3=Number of segments into which the arc will be divided
GA,4=Arc radius (center is the origin and the axis is the y-axis)
GA,5=Angle of first end of the arc measured from the x axis in a left-hand direction about the y axis (degrees).
GA,6=Angle of the second end of the arc.
GA,7=Wire radius (diameter/2)

GM,1=Move and/or rotate above wires and/or surface patches
GM,2=Tag number increment for moved/copied structures
GM,3=Number of new structures to be generated (0 for move only)
GM,4=Angle in degrees through which the structure is rotated about the X-axis
GM,5=Angle of rotation about the Y-axis
GM,6=Angle of rotation about the Z-axis
GM,7=X direction by which the structure is moved
GM,8=Y direction by which the structure is moved
GM,9=Z direction by which the structure is moved
GM,10=Tag-number to specify start of wire-set to move/copy
GM,11=Tag-number to specify end of wire-set to move/copy

GX,1=Mirror above wires and/or surface-patches in X, Y and/or Z-plane
GX,2=Tag number increment for reflected structures
GX,3=Mirror in YZ plane (along X-axis)
GX,4=Mirror in XZ plane (along Y-axis)
GX,5=Mirror in XY plane (along Z-axis)

GR,1=Rotate above wires and/or surface-patches around Z-axis
GR,2=Tag number increment for each new structure
GR,3=Total number of times that the structure is to occur around the Z-axis

GS,1=Select desired scaling factor for Geometry data
GS,2=User specified geometry scaling factor

LD01234567,2=Tag-nr of wire to place load(s) (0 for whole structure)
LD01234567,3=First wire-segment to place load(s) (0 for whole wire)
LD01234567,4=Last wire-segment to place load(s) (0 for whole wire)
LDO,1=Series RLC load
LD1,1=Parallel RLC load
LD01,5=Resistance for spot-load in Ohms
LD01,6=Inductance for spot-load in Henrys
LD01,7=Capacitance for spot-load in Farads

LD2,1=Distributed series RLC load
LD3,1=Distributed parallel RLC load
LD23,5=Distributed resistance in ohms per meter
LD23,6=Distributed inductance in Henrys per meter
LD23,7=Distributed capacitance in Farads per meter

LD4,1=R+jX impedance
LD4,5=Resistance in Ohms
LD4,6=Reactance in Ohms (+/-)

LD5,1=Wire conductivity
LD5,5=Select wire material or enter conductivity in Siemens

LD6,1=LC trap
LD6,5=Q(uality)-factor of coil
LD6,6=Inductance of coil in Henrys
LD6,7=Value of parallel capacitor in Farads
LD6,8=Optional trap design frequency

LD7,1=Insulated wire
LD7,5=Select insulating material or enter dielectric-constant
LD7,6=Radius of insulating material (diameter/2)

EX0,1=Standard Voltage source (Peak value)
EX1,1=incident plane wave, linear polarization
EX2,1=incident plane wave, right-hand polarization
EX3,1=incident plane wave, left-hand polarization
EX4,1=Elementary current source
EX5,1=Voltage-src (current-slope-discontinuity).
EX6,1=Standard Current source (Peak value)
EX056,2=Tag-number of wire to place the source
EX056,3=Segment-number on wire to place the source
EX123,2=Nr of theta angles desired for the incident plane-wave
EX123,3=Nr of phi angles desired for the incident plane-wave
EX4,2=No data, use “0”
EX4,3=No data, use “0”
EX0123456,4=Optional reporting options. See Nec-manual
EX056,5=Real part of peak-voltage/current in Volts/Amperes.
EX056,6=Imaginary part of peak-voltage/current in Volts/Amperes.
EX056,7=Magnitude of peak-voltage/current in Volts/Amperes.
EX056,8=Phase angle in degrees of voltage/current.
EX056,9=Optional normalization value, see Nec-manual
EX123,5=Theta spherical coordinate, measured from the Z-axis
EX123,6=Phi spherical angle in XY, measured around Z-axis
EX123,7=Eta polarization angle (linear polarization) or major elllipse axis
EX123,8=Theta angle stepping increment
EX123,9=Phi angle stepping increment
EX123,10=Ratio of minor to major axis for elliptic-polarization
EX4,5=X position in @m.
EX4,6=Y position in @m.
EX4,7=Z position in @m.
EX4,8=Alpha angle in degrees the current source makes with the XY plane
EX4,9=Beta angle the projected current on XY makes with the Y-axis
EX4,10=”Current moment” of the source in Amp-meters.

TL,1=Transmission-line between any two segments on structure
TL,2=Tag-nr for the wire to wich end-1 of the line is connected
TL,3=Segment-nr on the wire to which end-1 of the line is connected
TL,4=Tag-nr for wire at end-2 of the line
TL,5=Segment-nr on wire at end-2 of the line
TL,6=Char-impedance in ohms (negative indicates twisted line)
TL,7=Electrical line-length in @m. If zero, straight line distance is used
TL,8=Select open/short end or enter real part of shunt admittance at end-1
TL,9=Optional: imaginary part of the shunt admittance at end-1
TL,10=Select open/short end or enter real part of shunt admittance at end-2
TL,11=Optional: imaginary part of the shunt admittance at end-2

NT,1=Two port none-radiating network
NT,2=Tag-nr for the wire to wich port-1 of network is connected
NT,3=Segment-nr on the wire to which port-1 is connected
NT,4=Tag-nr for wire at port-2
NT,5=Segment-nr on wire at port-2
NT,6=Real part of element [1, 1] in mhos
NT,7=Imaginary part of element [1, 1] in mhos
NT,8=Real part of element [1, 2]
NT,9=Imaginary part of element [1, 2]
NT,10=Real part of element [2, 2]
NT,11=Imaginary part of element [2, 2]

SP0,1=Arbitrary shaped surface patch
SP1,1=Rectangular surface patch
SP2,1=Triangular surface patch
SP3,1=Quadrilateral surface patch
SP0,2=X coordinate of patch center
SP0,3=Y coordinate of patch center
SP0,4=Z coordinate of patch center
SP0,5=elevation angle above the XY plane of outward normal vector (degrees)
SP0,6=azimuth angle from X-axis of outward normal vector (degrees)
SP0,7=patch area (square of units used)
SP123,2=Corner 1: X coordinate
SP123,3=Corner 1: Y coordinate
SP123,4=Corner 1: Z coordinate
SP123,5=Corner 2: X
SP123,6=Corner 2: Y
SP123,7=Corner 2: Z
SP123,8=Corner 3: X
SP123,9=Corner 3: Y
SP123,10=Corner 3: Z
SP3,11=Corner 4: X
SP3,12=Corner 4: Y
SP3,13=Corner 4: Z

SC,1=Rectangular or Quadrilateral surface patch continuation
SC,2=Next patch, corner 3: X (corner 1 is corner 3 previous patch)
SC,3=Next patch, corner 3: Y
SC,4=Next patch, corner 3: Z
SC,5=Next patch, corner 4: X (corner 2 is corner 4 previous patch)
SC,6=Next patch, corner 4: Y
SC,7=Next patch, corner 4: Z

SM,1=Multiple (rectangular) surface patch
SM,2=Number of patches from corner 1 to 2
SM,3=Number of patches from corner 2 to 3

FR,1=Check to run frequency sweep
FR,2=Number of calculation steps in sweep
FR,5=(Start) Frequency in Mhz
FR,6=Frequency increment in Mhz

GN,1=Select antenna environment / ground approximation
GN,2=Number of radial wires in ground-plane
GN,3=Check to include radial ground-screen
GN,4=Select type of ground to use
GN,5=Ground conductivity in Siemens
GN,6=Dielectric constant of ground
GN,7=Length of radial wires in @m.
GN,8=Radius of the wires used in the screen, in mm

GD,1=Check to include secondary/distant ground
GD,7=Distance from the origin in @m.
GD,8=Depth below main ground in @m.

EK,1=Check to use Extended Kernel (for fat wires)
GF,1=Check to read geometry from specified file
GF,2=Name of file to write/read geometry from/to
WG,1=Check to write geometry to specified file


アンテナ材料の導電率  Wire-conductivity (LD0) for different materials

! Format: <Name> = <value>

LD5,1=Wire conductivity
LD5,5=Select wire material or enter conductivity in Siemens

LD 5 1 0 0 58000000 ’Copper

Perfect = 9.9E+99
Silver = 62900000
Copper = 58000000
Alumin. = 37700000
Alu-T832 = 30800000
Alu-T6 = 24900000
Brass = 15600000
P-bronze = 9090000
St-Steel = 1390000
Insulator= 0.00001

Carbon-fiber = electrical conductivity (106 S/m)


材料の誘電率 Dielectric constant for different materials

! Syntax: <Name> = <value>

Al-oxide = 10
Cu-oxide = 18
Nylon = 3.4
Paper = 2.2
Pertinax = 4.9
Plexiglas = 3.1
Polycarb. = 3.2
Polyethyl. = 2.4
Polystyr. = 2.7
PVC (hard) = 3.5
PVC (soft) = 4.5
Rubber = 2.9
Shellac = 3.3
Styrofoam = 1.03
Teflon = 2.1
Wind-glas = 7.6
Wood (dry) = 2.3

グランド・地面の導電率 Conductivity and diel-constant for differend grounds

! Format: <Name> = <conductivity>,<dielectric_constant>
! http://pe2bz.philpem.me.uk/Comm/-%20Antenna/Info-905-Misc/soildiel.htm

Poor = 0.001, 5
Moderate = 0.003, 4
Average = 0.005, 13
Good = 0.015, 17
Dry, sandy, coastal = 0.001, 10
Pastoral hills, rich soil = 0.007, 17
Medium hills and forest = 0.004, 13
Mountainous hills < 1000m = 0.002, 5
Rocky, steep hills = 0.002, 13
Fertile land = 0.002, 10
Rich agric. land, low hills = 0.01, 15
Marshy land, densily wooded = 0.0075, 12
Marshy, forested, flat = 0.008, 12
Highly moist ground = 0.005, 30
City industrial area = 0.0001, 3
City industr. average att. = 0.001, 5
City industr. maximum att. = 0.0004, 3
Fresh water = 0.001, 80
Fresh water 10ー/100 Mhz = 0.001, 84
Fresh water 20ー/100 Mhz = 0.005, 80
Sea water = 5.0, 81
Sea water 10ー, up to 1 Ghz = 4.0, 80
Sea water 20ー, up to 1 Ghz = 4.0, 73
Sea ice = 0.001, 4
Polar ice = 0.0003, 3
Polar ice cap = 0.0001, 1
Artic land = 0.0005, 3
<user specified> = ,

デフォルトの定数 Default SY(mbols)/constants to be used in 4nec2

! AWG wire radi in mm’s

同軸・伝送線路の特性インピーダンスZ0、速度係数Vf Coax/Trans-lines used in stub-matching

! Syntax: <name> – <Z0>, <Vf>

RG6 – 75, 0.75
RG8 – 52, 0.66
RG8A – 52, 0.66
RG8X – 50, 0.78
RG8 foam – 50, 0.78
RG11 – 75, 0.66
RG11A – 75, 0.66
RG11 foam – 75, 0.78
RG58 – 53.5, 0.66
RG58A – 50, 0.66
RG58C – 50, 0.66
RG58A foam – 53.5, 0.78
RG59 – 75, 0.66
RG59 foam – 75, 0.79
RG213 – 50, 0.86
Twin 75 ohm – 75, 0.67
Twin flat – 300, 0.82
Twin tube – 300, 0.80
Open line A – 300, 0.95
Open line B – 450, 0.95


Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas


Circuit Design 無線技術情報(こちらは日本語)





How to Start Modeling Antennas using EZNEC

Olde Skool Antenna Design with NEC2 on OpenBSD

NEC2 によるフィード・ホーンのシミュレーション

Part I:NEC Program Description – Theory

  1. HTML Verson

Part III:NEC User’s Guide

  1. HTML Verson








投稿者 tom2rd


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