【ESP32】Now? Wifi独自通信?? ESP-NOW ってなに??【電子工作】


インターフェース1月号 を読んでたら



ESP-NOW - ESP32 - — ESP-IDF Programming Guide latest documentation



どうやら。。 独自通信プロトコルらしいですが、1:多 や 1:1の通信をMACアドレス指定で、できるみたいです。ブロードキャストも効くようなので、単純にESP32どうしだけで、センサー情報をやり取りするだけなら、これがいいのかも??



GitHub - leonyuhanov/ESP-NOW-TX-RX: A very basic TX and RX demo for the ESP-NOW Protocol for the ESP8266 & ESP32
A very basic TX and RX demo for the ESP-NOW Protocol for the ESP8266 & ESP32 - GitHub - leonyuhanov/ESP-NOW-TX-RX: A very basic TX and RX demo for the ESP-NOW P...
GitHub - yoursunny/WifiEspNow: ESP-NOW Arduino library for ESP8266 and ESP32
ESP-NOW Arduino library for ESP8266 and ESP32. Contribute to yoursunny/WifiEspNow development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - DemSec/ESP-NOW_Mesh: My attempt at an ESP-NOW Mesh
My attempt at an ESP-NOW Mesh. Contribute to DemSec/ESP-NOW_Mesh development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - arttupii/espNowFloodingMeshLibrary: ESPNOW flooding mesh library with AES
ESPNOW flooding mesh library with AES. Contribute to arttupii/espNowFloodingMeshLibrary development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - Crypter/ESP-RCLink: ESP-NOW based remote control setup
ESP-NOW based remote control setup. Contribute to Crypter/ESP-RCLink development by creating an account on GitHub.
ESP32: Getting started with ESP-NOW - techtutorialsx
Getting started with ESP-NOW on the ESP32.
ESP8266とESP32 温度測定にESP-NOWを使ってみる
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Hello World for ESP-NOW
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GitHub - srgi79/ESP-Remote-Control: ESP-NOW with Wii Nunchuk
ESP-NOW with Wii Nunchuk. Contribute to srgi79/ESP-Remote-Control development by creating an account on GitHub.

